Final Blog Post

Overall, I think that this Genius Hour project was successful. I improved a lot, and learned a new skill.

Something I would have done differently is when I contacted my expert. I contacted them pretty early on in the project, before I even started making actual loaves of sourdough. Because of this, I didn’t really know which things I would struggle with the most, or really what kind of advice would be most helpful. They were still helpful though.

Another thing I would have done is expiremented with the rising times of the bread, to see how that would affect the texture and flavor of the bread.

Even though I don’t actually like sourdough bread, I enjoyed learning more about baking and the science behind it.

One Response

  1. Mrs. Englot at |

    All of this bread baking and you don’t even like it?! Did you know that before you started? Is someone in your household enjoying that beautiful bread?


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